I would be wrong if I said we weren't in trying times all around the world. The issue we are facing isn't for a particular strata. Both young, old, rich, poor, beautiful, not so beautiful, white, black or who ever it is are passing through this issue. Some even feel the world is coming to an end 😁😁😁. Some people have even given up on 2020, they are already saying 2021 is their year🤣🤣🤣. But to be factual, we are not even done with the first quarter and " e be things ". A whole lot has happened within the first 90 days of 2020,the world is on compulsory standstill 'cause of this virus, fire outbreaks, plagues, earthquakes and many more. Sighs😪. What should be our disposition in times like this especially for this virus: 1. Pray : The Bible admonishes us to pray prayers of Faith. The same bible tells us faith without work is dead. So inasmuch as we are praying, also take actions. Taking action is scriptural. If action is staying at home, then stay at ho...