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The Strength in Weaknesses

We cannot but agree that our world is filled with people we want to be like, our role models, mentors and the likes. Even these role models of ours also have people they look up to. Its just the cycle of life. 

We wake up every morning seeing pictures of these ones doing exploits, making waves and doing extraordinary stuffs but the little you is still battling with some weaknesses which sort of discourages you that you cannot attain what you desire. Well, its life.

 But recently, I've come to understand that we gain strength from weaknesses. Imagine the teacher, doctor, preacher, billionaire or who ever it is you look up to, comes out and opens up to you that he faced the same stuffs you are currently facing and he still came out to be what he is today, imagine the kind of courage that would beem up in you, the feeling that you are not alone in what you are facing. Just imagine!
 If people with already made success story, potential success story or what ever story it is at all, can come out and speak out about their weaknesses and struggles, how encouraged would those looking up to them be! How courageous would those who are currently passing through similar stuff be! 

The world has made it seem that we all have to be perfect and strong. But sweetheart, its okay to be weak. Your weakness today would serve as strength for someone tomorrow.


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