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 Interestingly, I believe we all have been blessed with wonderful people with beautiful souls around us. So literally, we're never alone, there's always someone around us at every phase of our life. 

Personally, I'm naturally not the person that would open up about things, or feel like I have a problem and want to share it. Nope. I rarely talk about personal stuffs with people  (not always a good quality tho). I do not like being a subject of discussion anywhere, it feels weird to me. I didn't grow up with the system of telling people how exactly I feel, although, I don't have a valid reason for this, I believe it's just how I grew up. Nevertheless, I'm a sweet, beautiful, smart, lovely, God fearing, jovial, ever smiling young lady. You sef see now 😁😁😎, so you'll not think it's only traits that are somehow that I haveπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Don't let us lose focusπŸ˜‰, let's get back on track

I know I've been blessed with the best of people that I believe would always be ready to listen, but your girl won't just say anything. So I've had my fair share psychological, emotional, spiritual, financial up's and down's. 

But reality came saying "Baby girl, you cannot always be like this yunno". There would be that phase where you'll 'compulsorily' have to unbox. The good thing is that reality came with a beautiful heart, listening ear, moving mouth and an expressive mind that believes in the concept of sharing and pouring. So, I'm just taking it one step at a time.

There are some people in this world also that can listen to everyones issues, proffer solutions they deem fit e.t.c but they find it extremely difficult to talk about their struggles to people. For some it could be because they don't want to, or that they have it all under check,  for others, it could be because they just don't know how to. What ever your situation is, don't get too hard on your self. Nevertheless, don't make yourself look overly perfect in the eyes of others. As you are proffering solutions, tell them that you also have your down times, so they don't think they are the only ones with issues.

For people that are trying to gain access to people that are hard to access. Here are few of my suggestions:

1. I have found out that I'm more comfortable talking to someone that is also comfortable talking to me. If you open up about your struggles, I feel more safe and comfortable opening up to you. So for people that are trying to make someone open up, this is one key point😊. You're welcome.

2. Don't be too too inquisitive, let the person naturally open up to you, don't force it, if it's not happening, chill, don't force the person to talk. It makes them feel really uncomfortable.

3. There are times when the person just wants to cry, let them cry, don't bombard them with questions, just lend them your shoulder and 'meeuuuvve'. If the person feels comfortable enough to talk to you, he/she would. Don't force it. Even if you're going to question them, I perceive that a latter time would be the best time, not that moment.

4. If they eventually open up to you, be able to discern if it's solution they need, encouragement or prayers. Some people already have answers to what they are facing, they just need the strength and motivation to do it. Don't do 'oversabi' on somebody's matter. Discern. If you can't discern, ask them how you can help.

5. When someone eventually opens up to you, don't use them as gist topic if they don't give you the permission to do so. If you do and they find out, 'o pari o'

6. Have a positive goodwill. Build a personal brand where you know that people can feel comfortable to talk to you, access you easily and be very much assured that you have their best interests at heart. 

You could share your own suggestions in the comment section below

Thank you.

meeuuuvve: Get on, move.

oversabi: Exhibiting too much 'unneeded' knowledge.

o pari o: it is finished.


  1. Spot on πŸ‘Œ

    This article addresses multifaceted issues around speaking about matters of concern. 

    My add: 

    Life was never created to exist in isolation, hence, we all need people.

    In the world where we have good people and bad, we really need the good ones who will never take advantage of our weaknesses and will not mock us in our low estate. Do good people still exist? Yes! Definitely! They have to be selectively discerned

    The choice of who to talk to is ours, but we should not allow our "persona" of not talking to someone at all about a costly/deadly matters end us up in  depression.

     Depression and mental issues are taking a deep toll on people today.

    Can share things with everyone and anyone? NO! Definitely Not! 

    We have to be able to selectively discern who has the answers to those question since not all friends are friends indeed and not all "solution providers" have sincere hearts.

    What should one look out for, 

    1. Correct Association
     2. People of Integrity 
    3. People who might have had same fair share of struggles and are willing to help 
    4. Correct mentality 
    5. People with large heart 

    This set of correct people could be parents, mentor, peers, etc.

    The hurt many have processed and kept over the years will not vanish by itself, speaking about it might bring healing! 

    Hard guy Hard guy! don't ask for help when you need it most, it might be too late at that time. 

    There come a time when we all have to "unbox" πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…, whether now or later. 

    Thanks again, more ink to your digital pen 


    1. Wow
      Thank you for adding this beautiful piece here. It contains very helpful and profound statements. God bless you Reader tdh

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. As much as I wouldn't like to add anything to this wonderful piece, I'd like to reiterate some points to note. Let's get the family right... I believe it all starts under this roof. Whether we'll trust others to share our problems with or not, the family is instrumental in this aspect. Nice write TFA, expectant of more witty inventions. Reader-tdh, we're inspired.

    1. Yes, the family is really instrumental. It defines a lot. Thank you for the comment Shiji

  4. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯Thank you for sharing this. It's really powerful well done maπŸ™‡‍♂️πŸ™‡‍♂️

  5. Wow. Thanks for sharing��

  6. Beautiful write up sis, Well,f fo me,I have never seen you as an hard person... Thank you for the piece,it's timely dear

    1. Thank you.
      Nahhh, I'm not hard, I'm a sweet baby girl😚😁


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