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     Obviously, several persons heard “New Normal” for the first time due to Covid-19, however, the term “New Normal” has existed way before the Covid-19 pandemic. Between 2007 and 2008, there was a Global financial crisis and economists refers to this crisis as the deepest financial crisis that hit the world. In a bid to highlight the aftermath of the financial crisis, business experts and economist made use of the term “New Normal” which simply identifies a deviation from the normal. So, simply put, New Normal may refer to an abnormal scenario or change from the former. 

     To provide a little background information on Covid-19, the Centre for Disease Control on its website explained that “COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness”. The virus also spread from person to person and could be transmitted through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks etc.

     Statistically, as of 18th May 2020, there are about 4.8 million cases in the world, with an average of 615 cases per 1 million people with about 1.8 million recovered class and about 320,000 deaths. It is not out of place to say that Covid-19 has put economies of the world out of its place, inflation, hunger, unemployment with a speculation of about 305 million full-time jobs across the globe etc.

     In the light of Covid-19, New Normal refers to a change in human perspectives or dynamics.  Truth be told, there will be a deviation from the “normal life” such as having to cope with inflation for at least several months, wearing face masks all across the streets, religious gathering concerns, worries about family/friends visits or vacations, concerns of gathering for events such as birthday parties, weddings, ceremonies of different sort etc. Now, we may ask, Will there be a New Normal, post-covid? The answer is Yes, the things listed are few out of the possibilities that we all journey towards. It looks to me like a different life order where the environment will seem to control how humans react or live. 

    Few of the take ons from Covid-19 will be Internet and Social Marketing which I believe will be more intensifying than what existed in the past, virtual parties, video conferencing, video interviews which did not hugely exist in the past. So, there will be a new normal, hence, we all must swiftly adjust and cope with the few downside that the Coronavirus will leave the world with.

Our attitude in the post-covid era should place priority on
  • Safety over fear
  • Exploring the possibilities of growth instead of status quo
  • Better decision-making and choices
  • Looking inwardly for depths
  • More succinct ways to approach the matters of life and death

We'll all be fine las las😊

Credit: A concerned writer that loves TFA


  1. It's nice having a friendly post on the novel coronavirus. There have been millions of post but a post that seems so familiar like one from a friend is priceless in this period. Also like the idea of a little economics as toppings. To those out there seeking a friend, TFA promised we will be fine las las.


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