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Its crazy how I predicted how 2020 would be in 2019. I finished my final undergraduate exams Dec 2019 and my project in Feb, 2020. Anyone that asked what my plan was then would get a detailed prospect of my expectations. I expected that I'll rest at home in March 2020, start internship in April 2020 till around August/November 2020, then go for NYSC. I was so sure I had it calculated. I thought i'd just come home and see internship straight away as per I'm a graduate of OAU (awaiting result🤣) and a graduate member of ICAN (awaiting induction🤠). Hot akara😂. But the wind blew 💨

'Rona came and kept us on an indefinite house arrest. Y'all know the story so don't let me bore you with that. We thank God for the victory we have over it. 

But, do y'all know how hard it is to make plans without a slight awareness about the future?? Like, in your mind you want to start something but you're not sure because you can't place a time on it, because the held on life could continue in the next week. I was just anticipating that things would get back to normal in weeks/months time, but, this is 10 months down and still counting and I'm still here😊. 

Guys, I sent CV ooo, I send CV taya. I would literally just wake up one morning and type "Job vacancies in Lagos" on twitter and start forwarding my CV's to the emails on those tweets one by one with different Job titles🤣 🤣. Or is the "Internship and Job vacancies in Lagos 2020" that I would type on google hoping that one of these guys would just reach out to me and call me for interview but E be what, E be things.

But looking back now, instead of these companies or organizations airing people, what would it have cost them to just acknowledge the mail and tell us that they've found their best fit instead of just keeping the hopes of many on the mountain. Na them sabi😏.

On this job thing, location played her own part also. The thing is, there are good and bad sides to living in a "Village" as I love to call my area. I personally enjoy the sanctity of my area and the fact that I only hear birds and clock ticking. But the bad side is that its not on the map😄, cricket sounds at night could be annoying, you cannot get an item delivered at your door step and most importantly recruiters don't want someone that isn't living in Lagos or close to their location.

Me sef, I'm not sure I'm ready to join the hustle of that state😏.

As Job did not come, local woman sha had to do something, so with the help of God and some people, I did some online courses which was quite interesting and Knowledgeable. Its a plus on the CV. I'm grateful for the gift of men.

Finally, this would have been my convocation week (2nd week of Dec) but ASUU is still trying to secure bags for her self and posterity. Hence, OAU class of 2019 graduates would be convocating in 2021 (hopefully). 

Nonetheless, with all that has happened this year. This year would still stand out for me. Its a year history would have to refer to as the Genesis. 

2021 is ahead of us, and I've been asking myself for the years expectations, but, all I seem to have is just 4 things at the moment, part of which is going for NYSC in one far and beautiful state in Nigeria (my mummy must not see this 🤣😅) and staying happy.

Most importantly, allowing the will of God prevail. He's Almighty



  1. Surely, He is the Almighty!

    Bigger, Better and Brighter 2021 for us all.
    Enjoy more of God's Grace!


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